segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011

Passing through the Needle's Eye

Every great journey, moment in life or trip has its beginning, middle or end with a deep process of letting go. Some when traveling to more far away lands get food poison or heat dehydration, others must learn to travel light or others see themselves facing hard breakups. In one way or another, be it physically, spiritually or materially, we are asked to let go of the things, toxins, people or feelings that somewhat no longer serve us for the purpose of where we want to get or who we are longing to become.

Maarten has now been in such process for 3 days already. He has been having incredibly high fever, sweating it out all and a little bit more. The process has been ignited by some flower medicine we are taking, which are meant to cleanse the aura and the body.

Be it for choice or for the circumstances, moments like this simply allow us time to reflect and inquiry deeply on What do I need to carry along and what has been an excess? Much of what we carry, emotionally and materially, we have acquired with little thinking or consciousness, throughout the places we have been, the experiences we've had and the not so necessary shoppings we've made. We have all a collection of feelings, possessions and people who don't make us be fully happy and most of all, to be in contact with our essence and most natural needs. Times like this make us process that and act upon it.

I remember when I was about to begin my journey through the Middle East 2 years ago, as I was packing the things I wanted to take (choosing from what I had already brought to be in Greece and Europe) I heard this voice saying I should pack as light as possible, letting go of all the beautiful clothes that had given me beauty until then. I had this guide within saying I should for now on look for the beauty within and to be able to shine it through from my eyes and gestures, more than from the clothes I wore. Moreover, I felt I had not to simply send them back to Brazil, but rather give them away to other people with much love and generosity. So it happened that I embarked in maybe the most significant and deep journey I have ever been into. One which opened my heart wide open, grounded me on my path, showed me the power of Love and brought me to where I am now.  

Letting go is an art to which we are a constant apprentice as life takes its curves, people come and go, circumstances change and our paths to authenticity and the essential become deeper. As Jesus once said "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a richer man to enter the Kingdom of God"

Puerto Iguazu - Argentina

2 comentários:

  1. I am struck again by the richness of your words Valentine, you're letting your heart speak sista!

  2. Wise words Tine, making so much sense - so why is letting go sometimes so incredibly hard?! Even when we finally become aware that we should let go of something or someone, when we know it's what's best, sometimes it's still so hard - why?! How do we create the resolve to let go?
    Much love from New Zealand,
